Align Better.
Move Better.


Myotherapy is a holistic form of manual therapy which adopts a client-centred approach, and uses evidenced-based assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation to treat and manage neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions.

Myotherapists use a wide variety of techniques to treat the root cause of physical pain including soft tissue techniques, trigger point release, myofascial cupping, joint mobilisations, dry needling, and more!

Why Choose Align Myotherapy?

Holistic Approach

Instead of temporary ‘quick-fix’ treatment which fails to address the underlying causes, we provide comprehensive assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies that investigate and address the root cause of your pain and/or injury to help you align and move better, and prevent re-injury.

Hands-On Treatment

Whilst many therapists adopt a ‘hands-off’ approach, we’re focused on combining hands-on treatment and rehabilitation with active client particpation. 

We offer an extensive range of manual therapy technqiues including massage, myofascial cupping, joint mobilisation, taping, dry needling, and more, to provide you immediate relief and get your body moving in alignment.

Client-Centred Care

At Align Myotherapy, we understand that every body is different and that adopting a ‘one-size fits all’ approach is unfavourable in acheiving desired outcomes – that’s why we’re committed to working with our clients to provide an all-encompassing personalised approach to improve treatment and management outcomes, and assist in acheiving optimal recovery results.

Private Health Fund Approved

Getting the correct treatment and management for your pain is made simple and stress-free with Align Myotherapy.

Our Myotherapist is provider recognised by most major private health funds, allowing you to reap the benefits and claim back more!*

*Conditions Apply.

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